Friday, June 24, 2011

Wild tours!

Thursday, I had the chance to take the 9:00, 11:30 and 2:00 tours out! I have never seen a school of batrays here, but that's what we saw during our first tour to the caves with a group of teenagers from a Church, and then on the way back we saw a bunch of Guitarfishes. The visibility was 20 feet, we could see the bottom all the way, it was great.
Then at the 11:30 we cruised the shores looking for the Leopards sharks; Jake was the first one to spot the first shark, until we got surrended by dozens of them in very very shallow waters...
On the 2:00 PM we went straight to look for the sharks at the same spot, and they were still hanging there with the Guitarfishes. On the way back the sun finally showed up, and we stopped to get in the water, even Peter got in, we all agreed that Life was very good in La Jolla!
We were able to get in the cave for the 11:30 and the 2:00, I had a fantastic day on the water yesterday, I got to share my love of this place with small groups with great people.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

WOW, a Sea Lion eating a Guitarfish ShovelNose!

Cyril took the 9:00 AM tour out today, with Ellen and Dylan in a tandem boat. When they reached the Arch, they watched a sea lion throwing a guitarfish shovelnose in the air, biting at it, and this for 15 minutes! When Cyril called me at the shop, I left Chris, grabbed my camera and ran to the boat ramp to get to the caves as fast as possible. I was lucky enough to find them still there! It is amazing what we can witness on the first tour, there is no wind, the ocean and the caves are ours, and the wildlife is having breakfast! A blast!